The Primary School

We aim to achieve academic excellence in an environment which nurtures creativity, promotes responsible innovation and inspires pupils to develop a strong Jewish-Zionist identity as contributors in a global society
Building on strengths
Building on strengths

Our Mission

King Solomon’s mission is to:
Focus on pupils at the centre of its Programme from gan through secondary school.
Create a loving, warm and caring environment where pupils will thrive and be viewed as individuals with unique needs.
Embrace a multi-faceted educational approach that includes the cognitive, emotional, physical and psychological development of the whole child.
Instil pride in pupils of their Jewish heritage and the Land of Israel.
Measure intelligence and achievement through a variety of formal and informal methodologies.
Grant every pupil the opportunity to succeed, each in his or her unique way.
Inspire in pupils an enthusiasm for and love of inquiry and learning.
Develop analytical thinking and decision-making skills.
Teach application of knowledge through experience and experimentation.
Cultivate positive self- image, open mindedness, and a sense of responsibility for themselves and their community.
Enhance pupils’ learning experience by integrating cutting-edge technology into our Programme.

King Solomon’s mission is to:
Focus on pupils at the centre of its Programme from gan through secondary school.
Create a loving, warm and caring environment where pupils will thrive and be viewed as individuals with unique needs.
Embrace a multi-faceted educational approach that includes the cognitive, emotional, physical and psychological development of the whole child.
Instil pride in pupils of their Jewish heritage and the Land of Israel.
Measure intelligence and achievement through a variety of formal and informal methodologies.
Grant every pupil the opportunity to succeed, each in his or her unique way.
Inspire in pupils an enthusiasm for and love of inquiry and learning.
Develop analytical thinking and decision-making skills.
Teach application of knowledge through experience and experimentation.
Cultivate positive self- image, open mindedness, and a sense of responsibility for themselves and their community.
Enhance pupils’ learning experience by integrating cutting-edge technology into our Programme.

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Jewish Heritage
An integral part of King Solomon’s programme is to imbue your child with Jewish heritage and culture and solidify their identity with the Jewish Nation and the Land of Israel. Additional Jewish practical and textual classes will be offered in our after school enrichment programme for pupils seeking to further their Jewish and religious education.
Personal and Social Development
Every aspect of The King Solomon School is designed to support your child in their personal and social development. We believe that developing positive attitudes, open communication, decision making skills, tolerance and social skills in pupils is the foundation and pre-requisite for academic excellence and enabling them to realise their full potential.
Academic Excellence and Leadership
Learning Environment: King Solomon’s learning environment enables academic excellence because it includes a high staff to pupils ratio and primary school teachers and pupils benefit
English: King Solomon begins to teach English to pupils in gan. It is obvious that fluency in the English language is essential for your child’s success in the competitive global economy.
Excellence: Our goal is to discover the special character in each and every child. Understanding your child’s unique strengths, talents and challenges will enable teachers to insure that his or her learning experience is engaging and interactive.
Leadership: We believe that active involvement and volunteering fosters awareness that there are others that are less fortunate than ourselves, nurtures empathy and a desire to give to others, and solidifies the understanding and obligation of assuming responsibility at a communal and national level
Creative Enrichment Programmes
Pupils will be introduced to various cultures and traditions from across the globe. This will provide them with a broad perspective of the world and an understanding of how different people live and function in developed and under developed societies.
Cultural and Global Awareness
Pupils will be introduced to various cultures and traditions from across the globe. This will provide them with a broad perspective of the world and an understanding of how different people live and function in developed and under developed societies.
Technology, Integration and Innovation
King Solomon’s educational programme is based on seamless integration of modern technology so that your child’s learning experience is enhanced and relevant to their day to day life. Each classroom is equipped with a screen and an Apple TV as well as a personal ipad available to every pupil.
Jewish Heritage
An integral part of King Solomon’s programme is to imbue your child with Jewish heritage and culture and solidify their identity with the Jewish Nation and the Land of Israel. Additional Jewish practical and textual classes will be offered in our after school enrichment programme for pupils seeking to further their Jewish and religious education.
Personal and Social Development
Every aspect of The King Solomon School is designed to support your child in their personal and social development. We believe that developing positive attitudes, open communication, decision making skills, tolerance and social skills in pupils is the foundation and pre-requisite for academic excellence and enabling them to realise their full potential.
Academic Excellence and Leadership
Learning Environment: King Solomon’s learning environment enables academic excellence because it includes a high staff to pupils ratio and primary school teachers and pupils benefit
English: King Solomon begins to teach English to pupils in gan. It is obvious that fluency in the English language is essential for your child’s success in the competitive global economy.
Excellence: Our goal is to discover the special character in each and every child. Understanding your child’s unique strengths, talents and challenges will enable teachers to insure that his or her learning experience is engaging and interactive.
Leadership: We believe that active involvement and volunteering fosters awareness that there are others that are less fortunate than ourselves, nurtures empathy and a desire to give to others, and solidifies the understanding and obligation of assuming responsibility at a communal and national level
Creative Enrichment Programmes
Pupils will be introduced to various cultures and traditions from across the globe. This will provide them with a broad perspective of the world and an understanding of how different people live and function in developed and under developed societies.
Cultural and Global Awareness
Pupils will be introduced to various cultures and traditions from across the globe. This will provide them with a broad perspective of the world and an understanding of how different people live and function in developed and under developed societies.
Technology, Integration and Innovation
King Solomon’s educational programme is based on seamless integration of modern technology so that your child’s learning experience is enhanced and relevant to their day to day life. Each classroom is equipped with a screen and an Apple TV as well as a personal ipad available to every pupil.

"כשאהיה גדול אני רוצה להיות עם שורשים וכנפיים.."

ציפי אברהמי, מנהלת ביה״ס היסודי

ברוכים הבאים לאקדמיה יסודית קינג סולומון,

בית הספר “קינג סולומון” משמש כחממה המאפשרת תנאים של צמיחה, אהבה וכבוד הדדי.
מזמנת לתלמידנו התפתחות בסביבה תומכת, מאפשרת ומעצימה, היוצרת תחושת מוגנות.
כחלק מההתארגנות הפדגוגית של ביה“ס יצרנו “מצפן בית ספרי” המאפשר את התאמת הארגון החינוכי בהווה למציאות בעתיד המשתנה, וכזה המשמר את הרלוונטיות של החינוך ללומד ושל הלומד אל העולם.
ביה“ס בהגדרתו בית ספר יהודי והיהדות הינה חלק בלתי נפרד מאורח החיים הבית ספרי הן ברמה הלימודית והן בהוויה וברוח הפועמת בו.
תוכנית הלימודים של ביה”ס מדגישה את היותנו “אקדמיה”, הבאה להעניק לתלמידות ולתלמידים את ההזדמנות ללמוד מגוון נושאים תוך בחירה בעלת משמעות.
במערכת הלימודים של “הסטודנטים הצעירים” קיימים קורסי בחירה וקורסי חובה, הן בעברית והן בשפה האנגלית, תחומי דעת הנלמדים באופן ממוקד ומשמעותי לאורך סמסטר אחד בלבד, סביבות העשרה על פי בחירה, “במת תלמיד” ברוח מפגשי טד, סיורים לימודיים מחוץ לביה”ס וכן מפגשים מעוררי השראה עם מרצים מתחומי דעת שונים.
כמו כן, קיימת תוכנית ערכית ברוח היהדות, הפועלת לאורך השבוע בכל הכתות. מעבר ללמידה המתקיימת אנו עורכים קבלת שבת מדי יום שישי , תפילת בוקר, חגיגות ראש חודש, קבלת סידור ועוד.
תוכנית נוספת לתגבור לימודי היהדות מתקיימת לאורך השבוע בשעות אחר הצהרים על פי בחירת התלמידות והתלמידים.